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Making the Most of Being Unemployed or Under Employed – Working Toward Figuring Out What You REALLY Want to Do

May 4, 2010 · 81 comments

in Life, Personal Finance, Work

Money.  For many, it seems to be in short supply these days.  Some people can weather the storm fine because they have created emergency funds.  Others are taking on odd-jobs or are underemployed just to get by.

For myself, I view unemployment as an opportunity.  I knew my project was short-term when I was working recently and that I would one day no longer be collecting a regular paycheck.   I was ok with that because we were living on one paycheck before I went back to work part-time.  But, while I was working and the kids were in school, I enjoyed using my brain again.  (I had mostly been a stay-at-home mom since the kids were born.)   So, a couple months before my project was expected to end, I started thinking about what I wanted to do.  I realized I wanted to be able to stay at home, and have a flexible schedule.  Well, there are not a whole lot of jobs out there like that.   After some thinking, I decided I wanted to give writing a try.

My first step was to find a website name I liked and find a webhost.  I reserved this website months before I even typed one word on it.  I just knew it was on the back burner for when my job ended.   So, once I was ‘free’, I started researching and learning.  Even if I don’t write another post after today, I will have been glad I went down this path because I learned a tremendous amount.

So where is this post going?  I was just taking the time to say that if you are unemployed/underemployed, try to figure out what you REALLY want to do.  Of course, you may have to do some job you totally dislike in the mean time to make ends meet, but look at your situation as an opportunity.  Try not to sit back and tell yourself all the reasons why you can’t do what you really dream of.  Instead, make a list of all the reasons you CAN do what you want.  Maybe start gradually so you can still devote some time to money-making activities.

For me personally, I have no idea how long I will be writing for.  I take it one day at a time.  I do know I have enjoyed this (so far) more than any job I have ever done, unless you count being a Mom as a job.  (Being a Mom is the best!)   I feel incredibly fortunate that I am able to be able to explore what I truly want to do, and I know not everyone is so lucky.  If you do feel trapped in a dead-end job or are maybe looking for work, take some time each day and try to take a step toward what you ultimately would love to do.  It may be just looking into college classes, or maybe calling an old friend that works in the industry you would like to work in.   Just make a plan and get started!

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{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Curtis May 4, 2010 at 11:04 am

The link from the forum works now – that’s how I got here. Just want to say that I really like the layout of the site! It’s really clean but has all the elements I want for my site. I might need to copy you. Now to read some of your articles.


Kris May 4, 2010 at 1:33 pm

Feel free to email me with any questions Curtis!


Budgeting in the Fun Stuff May 4, 2010 at 11:46 am

Blogging for the last 2 1/2 months has been more fun than my day job too. Until it can make up my salary though, I’ll happily continue doing both so I can do what I enjoy and afford to retire early at the same time (plus have free health insurance, etc)…I’m greedy… 🙂


Kris May 4, 2010 at 1:35 pm

@Budgeting – I would have assumed you were around for longer than 2 1/2 months, you are doing a great job. I would love to make some money from blogging, but I still have so much to learn and sometimes I feel like I am just spinning my wheels. By the way, you aren’t greedy, you are just trying to make sure you are financially secure, which is what I wish everyone would do.


Money Reasons May 6, 2010 at 4:57 pm

Sounds like a good plan!

I think it’s hard to replace a regular salary, but some year I’m hoping it will be a good side income some year.

You have some great content, keep up the great work!!! I really like your style of writing, and will be adding you to my blogroll of blogs to check out 🙂

I don’t think blogs make money quickly (or at least in my case), so it’s kind of a labor of love… After a few years it sounds like blogging might have the potential to add some additional income to your pocket though.

Just curious, is this your only blog or do you have a few others?


Kris May 6, 2010 at 9:19 pm

Hi Money! I really appreciate your comments. I added you to my blogroll last week I think as I have enjoyed your blog as well.

I do have another blog, but I do not update it nearly as much as I have been trying to get the bugs out of this one. My other blog is http://entertainmentopinions.com

Thanks again!


Budgeting in the Fun Stuff May 7, 2010 at 11:07 am

Kris, I’m so happy you think I’ve been blogging longer! That’s a huge compliment. 🙂

I started following personal finance blogs last September, but just convinced myself to start one in February. To be honest, I only started it because I got tired of uber-frugalites actually acting condescending towards anybody who wasn’t as frugal. I figured that personal finance tends to have personal differences and wanted to start a blog about picking priorities (in our case, early retirement and fun stuff…hence the name).

I am making about 5 cents to 10 cents a day on Adsense, but I made $387 ($400 minus Paypal fees) off of two 6 month link ads last week. If you’re interested, please email me and I’ll forward your info along to the ad lady when I get home. It’s for a payday loan site if you care…I decided it would be okay since I put labels on them as ADS so my readers wouldn’t click on them by accident.


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